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US Navy


Marine Species Monitoring

Pacific Region: Current Projects

Pacific Monitoring Projects

The table below summarizes current marine species monitoring projects being conducted in the Pacific Ocean in support of Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities (GOA), Hawaii-Southern California Training & Testing (HSTT), Marianas Training and Testing (MITT), and Northwest Training and Testing (NWTT) Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements (50 CFR Part 218).  Reports and data from these projects will be made available on the individual project profile pages and the Reading Room as they become available.

Project Description Intermediate Scientific Objective* Status
Title: Characterizing the Distribution of ESA-listed Salmonids in Washington and Alaska

Location: Washington and Alaska

Objectives: To use acoustic tagging technology to provide critical information on spatial and temporal distribution of salmonids to inform salmon management, U.S. Navy activity, and Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) conservation. The study seeks to 1) determine the occurrence and timing of salmonids within the Navy training ranges, 2) describe the influence of environmental covariates on salmonid occurrence; and, 3) describe the occurrence of salmonids in relation to SRKW distribution.

Methods: Acoustic telemetry (pinger tags) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (Soundtraps, Slocum Glider)

Performing Organizations: NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Timeline: 2018-present

Funding: FY18 $631K; FY19 $839K; FY20 $456K; FY21 $360K; FY22 $698K; FY24 planned

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur.


Title: Telemetry and Genetic Identity of Chinook Salmon in Alaska

Location: Gulf of Alaska and Pacific Northwest

Objectives: To use a combination of pop-up satellite technology and salmon genetics to provide critical information on Chinook salmon spatial and temporal distribution in the Gulf of Alaska and along the Washington coast to inform salmon management and U.S. Navy training activities. The study seeks to 1) determine the occurrence, timing, and specific run of Chinook salmon through genetics within the Navy training areas; 2) describe the influence of environmental covariates on Chinook salmon occurrence; and 3) improve the understanding of run-specific timing and geographical occurrence of Chinook salmon as the prey of Southern Resident killer whales in Washington.

Methods: Pop-up satellite tagging (PSATs)

Performing Organizations: University of Alaska Fairbanks. This project closely coordinates with Navy-funded studies conducted by biologists at the NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center.

Timeline: 2020-present

Funding: FY20 $441K; FY21 $500K; FY22 $222k; FY24 planned

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur.


Title: Acoustic Tagging of Green Sturgeon to Evaluate Habitat Use Along the Washington Coast

Location: Washington (Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay)

Objectives: With acoustic telemetry, determine 1) the location of green sturgeon detections within Washington, 2) the season for specific habitat use (e.g., estuaries; coastal waters), 3) the frequency an animal moves between coastal and estuarine waters, and 4) the range of each tagged animal.

Methods: Acoustic telemetry (pinger tagging)

Performing Organizations: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Timeline: 2020-2024

Funding: FY20 $158k, FY23 $33k

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur


Beginning 2020
Title: Offshore Distribution of Southern Resident Killer Whales in the Pacific Northwest

Location: Washington (Northwest Training Range Complex, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport Range Complex)

Objectives: 1) Identify and classify Southern Resident killer whale (SRKW) detections from acoustic recorders and satellite tag tracking; 2) Develop a model to estimate the seasonal and annual occurrence patterns of southern resident killer whales relative to offshore Navy training ranges. 3) Characterize occurrence of anthropogenic sounds in potential SRKW habitat. 4) Develop state space habitat model for SRKW prey, based on fall Chinook salmon tagged released from California to British Columbia between 1977 and 1990 to estimate seasonal distribution along the west coast.

Methods: Passive acoustic monitoring, model development, visual survey, satellite tagging, analysis of archived data

Performing Organizations: NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Timeline: 2014-2021

Funding: FY14 $439K; FY15 $426K; FY16 $369K; FY17 $247K; FY21 planned

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur.

Evaluate potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed species to Navy training and testing activities

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Effectiveness of Navy Lookout Teams in Detecting Cetaceans

Location: AFTT and HSTT study areas

Objectives: Obtain data to characterize the potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed marine species to Navy training and testing activities, evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures

Methods: visual survey

Performing Organizations: U.S. Navy, HDR, Inc., University of St. Andrews

Timeline: 2010-2022

Funding: $500k

Evaluate potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed species to Navy training and testing activities

Evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures 

Completed 2022

Title: Long Term Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals Utilizing the Instrumented Range at Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF)

Location: Hawaii

Objectives: Improve understanding of the long term trends in occurrence of marine mammals (e.g., minke, humpback, fin, Bryde's, Blainville's) on the PMRF range. Examine what, if any, acoustic and physical behavioral responses occur to Navy activities.

Methods: Passive acoustic monitoring and analysis of archived PMRF hydrophone recordings

Performing Organizations: Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (formerly SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific)

Timeline: 2015-present


Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Evaluate potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed species to Navy training and testing activities

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals

Application of analytic methods to evaluate exposure and/or behavioral response of marine mammals to Navy training and testing activities

Evaluate acoustic exposure levels associated with behavioral responses of marine mammals to support development and refinement of acoustic risk functions

Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance for populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species that are regularly exposed to Navy training and testing activities

Leverage existing data with newly developed analysis tools and techniques


Title: Marine Mammal Sightings During CalCOFI Cruises

Location: Southern California

Objectives: Determine what species and populations of marine mammals are present in Southern California and estimate the abundance and density across seasons

Methods: Visual survey, PAM

Performing Organizations: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Timeline: 2011-present

Funding: $100,000-$130,000/year

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Blue and Fin Whale Satellite Tagging

Location: Southern California

Objectives: Determine the movement patterns, occurrence, and residence times of blue whales and fin whales within U.S. Navy training and testing areas as well as Biologically Important Areas along the U.S. West Coast

Methods: Long-term satellite tracking, biopsy sampling, photo-identification

Performing Organizations: Oregon State University

Timeline: 2014-2018


Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas
Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur
Establish the baseline behavioral patterns (foraging, diving, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Guadalupe Fur Seal Satellite Tracking

Location: Baja, Mexico, US West Coast

Objectives: Determine the at-sea distribution of endangered Guadalupe fur seals and whether they travel through or utilize the offshore waters of the Southern California Range Complex and Northwest Training and Testing area

Methods: Tagging, visual survey

Performing Organizations: The Marine Mammal Center

Timeline: 2018-2021

Funding: FY18 $102k; FY19 $377k

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas
Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the baseline behavioral patterns (foraging, diving, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Pacific Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (PACMAPPS) survey

Location: Gulf of Alaska, Mariana Island archipelago, Hawaiian Islands archipelago, California-Oregon-Washington

Objectives: Identify species of beaked whales, odontocetes, and baleen whales that occur in the surveyed areas; Monitor marine mammal and sea turtle presence, distribution, and diversity in offshore waters; Develop a better understanding of marine mammal distribution, movement patterns, habitat use, population structure, and abundance; Develop reference library of visually-validated acoustic recordings of marine mammals.

Methods: Visual surveys, photo-identification, biopsy and genetic analysis, satellite tagging, opportunistic acoustic recording during sightings

Performing Organizations: National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Fisheries Science Center

Timeline: 2017-present

Funding: FY17 $183k; FY18 $164k+$265k+$200k; FY21 $533k+$300k; FY23 planned

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Determine what populations of marine mammals are exposed to Navy training and testing activities

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals


Title: Pacific Islands comprehensive stranding investigations

Location: Hawaii, Guam, CNMI

Objectives: Conduct comprehensive investigations of stranded marine mammals throughout the Pacific Islands with emphasis on the Hawaiian and Mariana Island chains. This includes conducting necropsies of stranded animals, collecting and archiving samples, conducting disease screening, genetic testing, and analysis of historical data. The objective is to examine stranding patterns and causes of death for marine mammals in the Pacific Islands.

Methods: necropsy, disease screening, genetic testing

Performing Organizations: University of Hawaii Stranding Laboratory

Timeline: 2018-present

Funding: FY18 $118k, FY20 $324k; FY21 TBD

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Satellite Tagging and Behavioral Monitoring of Male California Sea Lions in the Pacific Northwest to Assess Haul-out Behavior on Puget Sound Navy Facilities and Foraging Behavior in Marine Navy Testing and Training Areas

Location: Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, Naval Base Kitsap-Bremerton, Naval Station Everett

Objectives: To determine the abundance and habitat use of California sea lions that haul out at Navy facilities and forage in testing and training areas

Methods: Satellite and depth tags

Performing Organizations: Marine Mammal Laboratory, Alaska Fisheries Science Center; Washington Department of Marine Fisheries Service

Timeline: 2013-2016

Funding: FY13 $420k

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur.


Title: North Pacific Humpback Whale Tagging

Location: Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Alaska

Objectives: Determine the occurrence, movement patterns, and residency patterns of multiple humpback whale Distinct Population Segments within Pacific Ocean Navy Range Complexes

Methods: Long-term satellite tracking, biopsy sampling, photo-identification

Performing Organizations: Oregon State University

Timeline: 2016-2020

Funding: FY17 $484K; FY18 $140K; FY19 $686K

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur.

Evaluate potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed species to Navy training and testing activities.


Title: Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in Southern California Range Complex (SOCAL)

Location: Southern California

Objectives: Determine the distribution and temporal patterns of beaked whale occurrence in the waters within and outside the Southern California Range Complex (SOCAL). Use passive acoustic monitoring to determine what species are present in SOCAL and examine spatial and temporal patterns.

Methods: PAM (bottom-mounted), PAM (towed array), PAM (drifting buoys), PAM (acoustic unmanned glider), visual survey

Performing Organizations: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center (2018), HDR, Inc.

Timeline: 2014-present

Funding: $300,000 - $600,000/year

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals


Title: Cuvier's Beaked Whale and Fin Whale Population Dyanmics and Impact Assessment at the Southern California Offshore Antisubmarine Warfare Range (SOAR)

Location: Southern California

Objectives: Improve knowledge of baseline population demographics, vital rates, and movement patterns of Cuvier’s beaked whales and fin whales. Examine what, if any, short term behavioral and/or vocal responses occur when exposed to sonar or explosions at different levels and conditions. Determine if exposure to sonar or explosives impact the long term fitness and survival of individuals or the population, species, or stock

Methods: PAM, satellite tagging, photo-ID, visual survey

Performing Organizations: Marine Ecology & Telemetry Research, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport

Timeline: 2014-present


Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur

Determine what behaviors can most effectively be assessed for potential response to Navy training and testing activities

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals

Evaluate behavioral responses of marine mammals exposed to Navy training and testing activities to support PCoD development and application

Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance for populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species that are regularly exposed to Navy training and testing activities

Leverage existing data with newly developed analysis tools and techniques


Title: Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska

Location: Gulf of Alaska

Objectives: Determine the spatial distribution and occurrence of beaked whales, other odontocetes, and baleen whales in offshore areas using bottom-mounted passive acoustic recorders and deep-diving autonomous gliders

Methods: Passive acoustic monitoring

Performing Organizations: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Timeline: 2011-2019

Funding: FY11 $300K; FY12 $285K; FY13 $250K; FY15 $280K; FY17 $250K

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics, of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Estimation of Received Levels of MFAS and Behavioral Response of Marine Mammals at PMRF

Location: Hawaii

Objectives: Further our understanding of the Monitoring Questions: 1) What is the occurrence and estimated received levels of MFAS on 'blackfish', humpback, minke, sperm and Blainville's beaked whales within the PMRF instrumented range? and 2) What, if any, are the short term behavioral responses of 'blackfish,' humpback, minke, sperm and Blainville's beaked whales when exposed to MFAS/explosions at different levels/conditions at PMRF?

Methods: PAM, tagging, photo-ID, biopsy, visual survey

Performing Organizations: Cascadia Research Collective, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (formerly SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific), Southall Environmental Associates, and HDR, Inc.

Timeline: 2013-present


Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are exposed to U.S. Navy training and testing activities

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur

Determine what behaviors can most effectively be assessed for potential response to Navy training and testing activities

Evaluate behavioral responses of marine mammals exposed to Navy training and testing activities to support PCoD development and application

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals

Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance for populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species that are regularly exposed to Navy training and testing activities

Leverage existing data with newly developed analysis tools and techniques


Title: Marine Mammal Monitoring on Navy Ranges

Location: Hawaii, Southern California

Objectives: Improve understanding of the long term trends in occurrence of marine mammals on the PMRF and SOAR ranges.

Methods: Passive acoustic monitoring of Navy ranges

Performing Organizations: Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport

Timeline: 2016-present


Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals

Application of analytic methods to evaluate exposure and/or behavioral response of marine mammals to Navy training and testing activities

Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance for populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species that are regularly exposed to Navy training and testing activities


Title: Aerial Surveys of Marine Mammals Conducted in the Inland Puget Sound Waters of Washington, summer 2013 – winter 2016

Location: Northwest Training Range Complex, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport Range Complex, Puget Sound Washington

Objectives: 1) Conduct aerial surveys during four seasonal periods within the inland Puget Sound Survey Area to assess potential differences in seasonal distribution, numbers, and behavioral state patterns of marine mammals; 2) Collect data to estimate densities of marine mammals in the inland Puget Sound waters for species with sufficient sightings; 3) Estimate abundance for each marine mammal species seen an adequate number of times; 4) Document the distribution and habitat use of each species observed; 5) Document and describe behaviors seen without performing focal follows.

Methods: Aerial visual survey

Performing Organizations: Smultea Environmental Sciences

Timeline: 2013-2017


Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas.

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the baseline behavioral patterns (foraging, diving, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Occurrence of Green Sturgeon in Inland Waters (historical tag analysis)

Location: Washington

Objectives: Compile green sturgeon tag and receiver data and analyze historical data for occurrence, distribution, and seasonality in Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca

Methods: Analysis of archived acoustic telemetry (pinger tags)

Performing Organizations: NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Timeline: 2020-2021

Funding: FY20 $33k

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur


begins 2020
Title: Coral survey at Farallon de Medinilla

Location: Farallon de Medinilla (FDM)

Objectives: Assess presence and status of ESA-listed corals at FDM

Methods: Geo-referenced dive survey, visual survey

Performing Organizations: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific formerly SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific

Timeline: 2017, 2022 (every 5 years)

Funding: FY17 $255K; FY21 $299K

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur


Survey performed in 2017, next survey planned for 2021/22
Title: Small vessel visual surveys in the Mariana Islands Range Complex

Location: Guam and southern CNMI (Tinian, Saipan, Rota, Aguijan)

Objectives: Identify species of beaked whales, odontocetes, and baleen whales that occur in the Mariana Islands; Monitor marine mammal and sea turtle presence, distribution, and diversity in nearshore waters during key seasons (summer and winter); Develop a better understanding of marine mammal distribution, movement patterns, habitat use, population structure, and abundance; Develop reference library of visually-validated acoustic recordings of marine mammals.

Methods: Visual surveys (nearshore small vessel winter and summer season), photo-identification (develop catalogs for multiple cetacean species), biopsy and genetic analysis, satellite tagging, opportunistic acoustic recording during sightings

Performing Organizations: National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Cetacean Research Program

Timeline: 2010-2019

Funding: FY14 $458k; FY15 $495k; FY16 $489k; FY17 $352k; FY18 $307k

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Evaluate potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed species to Navy training and testing activities

Determine what populations of marine mammals are exposed to Navy training and testing activities

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the regional baseline vocalization behavior, including seasonality and acoustic characteristics) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur

Application of passive acoustic tools and techniques for detecting, classifying, locating, and tracking marine mammals

Title: Sea turtle tagging in the Mariana Islands Range Complex

Location: Guam, Tinian, Saipan

Objectives: Develop a better understanding of sea turtle distribution and habitat use in the Mariana Islands, particularly in relation to locations used by the Navy for underwater detonation training

Methods: Sea turtle satellite tagging, habitat use analysis of tag data, historical analysis

Performing Organizations: National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Marine Turtle Biology and Assessment Program

Timeline: 2013-2022

Funding: FY13 $99K, FY14 $120K, FY15 $200K, FY16 $193K, FY17 $180K FY18 $218K

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and sea turtles are exposed to Navy training and testing activities

Evaluate potential exposure of marine mammals and ESA-listed species to Navy training and testing activities

Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance of populations that are regularly exposed to sonar and underwater explosives


final field season in 2021, final reporting in 2022
Title: Pilot survey for humpback whales at Farallon de Medinilla

Location: Farallon de Medinilla (FDM)

Objectives: The goal of the visual surveys is to collect individually-identifying information from humpback whales present near and around Farallon de Medinilla (FDM)

Methods: Visual survey, photo identification

Performing Organizations: NAVFAC Pacific, HDR Inc., PIFSC NOAA

Timeline: 2019-2020

Funding: FY19 $87.5k

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the baseline behavioral patterns (foraging, diving, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Pilot study for shore based humpback surveys in Saipan

Location: Saipan

Objectives: Humpback whale nearshore distribution in nearshore Saipan waters

Methods: Combined shore based surveys for humpbacks with rapid small boat responses to sightings for satellite tagging, biopsy and photo-identification

Performing Organizations: National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Cetacean Research Program

Timeline: 2015

Funding: FY15 $67k

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Determine what populations of marine mammals are exposed to Navy training and testing activities

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the baseline vocalization behavior of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals Using Gliders in Marianas

Location: Guam, CNMI

Objectives: Identify acoustically distinct species of beaked whales, odontocetes, and baleen whales that occur in the Mariana Islands; develop a better understanding of marine mammal distribution, habitat use, and abundance

Methods: Passive acoustic monitoring on underwater gliders

Performing Organizations: HDR, Oregon State University, University of Washington

Timeline: 2014-2016

Funding: FY13 $397k

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur

Establish the baseline vocalization behavior of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur


Title: Mariana Islands Sea Turtle and Cetacean Survey (MISTICS)

Location: Mariana Island Chain offshore

Objectives: Determine what species of marine mammals and sea turtles are present and estimate abundance.

Methods: visual survey, photo identification

Performing Organizations: U.S. Navy NAVFAC Pacific, HDR Inc.

Timeline: 2007

Funding: $4.5M

Determine what species and populations of marine mammals and ESA-listed species are present in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas

Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing areas


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