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Becker, E., K.A. Forney, B.J. Thayre, A.J. Debich, G.S. Campbell, K. Whitaker, A.B. Douglas, A. Gilles, R. Hoopes, and J.A.Hildebrand. 2017..Habitat-based density models for three cetacean species off Southern California illustrate pronounced seasonal differences. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:121. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00121
Soldevilla, M.S., S. Baumann-Pickering, D. Cholewiak, L.E.W. Hodge, E.M. Oleson, and S. Rankin. 2017. Geographic variation in Risso's dolphin echolocation click spectra.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142:599-617.
Campbell, G.S., L. Thomas, K. Whitaker, A.B. Douglas, J. Calambokidis, and J.A. Hildebrand. 2015. Inter-annual and Seasonal Trends in Cetacean Distribution, Density and Abundance off Southern California. Deep-Sea Research II 112:143-157.
Location: Southern California
Timeline: 2011-present
Funding: $100,000-$130,000/year
Principal Investigator, Dr. John Hildebrand, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Project Manager, Christiana Salles, NAVFAC Southwest
Program Manager, Chip Johnson, Pacific Fleet Environmental Readiness Division
Trickey et al. 2020. CalCOFI Cruises: Summary of Results 2016-2019
Frasier et al. 2019. SOCAL Beaked Whale Occurrence from Towed Array
Hildebrand et al. 2018. Marine Mammal Monitoring during CalCOFI, 2016-2017
Debich et al. 2017. Marine Mammal Monitoring during CalCOFI Cruises, 2012-2016
Campbell et al. 2015. Inter-annual and Seasonal Trends in Cetacean Distribution, Density and Abundance off Southern California
Douglas et al. 2014. Seasonal Distribution and Abundance of Cetaceans off Southern California estimated from CalCOFI Cruise Data from 2004 to 2008
Campbell et al. 2014 CalCOFI_summary report
Campbell et al 2012. CALCOFI cruise report 2011-2012
Graham and Saunders. 2015. Occurrence, Distribution, and Population Estimates of Marine Mammals near Silver Strand Training Complex and San Diego Bay, CA
Passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals in SOCAL