The table below summarizes marine species monitoring projets being conducted in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico in support of Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT) Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements (50 CFR Part 218). Reports and data from these projects will be made available on the individual project profile pages and the Reading Room as they become available.
Project titles link directly to individual project profile pages with additional details and access to data and reports.
*Intermediate Scientific Objectives are established in coordination with NMFS through the Strategic Planning Process to help prioritize monitoring investments
Project Description | Intermediate Scientific Objective* | Status |
Title: Distribution of Gulf Sturgeon in the Panama City Testing Range
Location: NSWC Panama City Testing Range Objectives: Assess Gulf Sturgeon distribution and habitat use through a multi-phase biotelemetry approach Methods: Passive acoustic telemetry tagging, directed AUV surveys, and environmental monitoring Performing Organizations: Delaware State University, University of Delaware Timeline: 2021–2024 Funding: FY21 - $177K, FY22 - $149K, FY23 - $152K |
Estimate the distribution, abundance, and density of marine mammals and ESA-listed species in Navy range complexes, testing ranges, and in specific training and testing area Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy Occurrence training and testing activities occur |
Data collection complete Final analysis in progress |
Title: Atlantic and Shortnose Sturgeon Monitoring in the Lower Kennebec River
Location: Lower Kennebec River, including Bath Iron Works and Offshore Popham Beach Objectives: Assess Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon seasonal occurrence, migration, and overwintering Methods: Passive acoustic telemetry tagging Performing Organizations: NUWC Newport (lead); collaborating: Maine Department of Marine Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, PSNY, University of Maine, University of Maryland Timeline: 2021–2024 Funding: FY22 - $60K, FY23 - $103K, FY24 - $68K |
Establish the baseline habitat uses, seasonality, and movement patterns of marine mammals and ESA-listed species where Navy training and testing activities occur
Data collection in progress |
Title: Analysis of Acoustic Ecology of North Atlantic Shelf Break Cetaceans and Effects of Anthropogenic Noise Impacts
Location: Northwest Atlantic Objectives: Assess the acoustic niche of marine mammal species and anthropogenic contributors to disturbance Methods: Passive acoustic monitoring Performing Organizations: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center Timeline: 2018-ongoing Funding: FY18 - $143K, FY19 - $145K, FY20 - $145K, FY21 - $150K, FY22 - $150K |
Establish the baseline vocalization behavior of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur |
Ongoing |
Title: Pinniped Monitoring in the Northeast
Location: Northeast U.S. (New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island) Objectives: Document habitat use, haul-out patterns, and baseline behavior of seals Methods: Telemetry tagging, visual surveys, remote time-lapse cameras Performing Organizations: NUWC, AMSEAS, NMFS, MMoME Timeline: 2020-2023 Funding: $365K |
Estimate the density of marine mammals and sea turtles in Navy range complexes and in specific training areas Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals and sea turtles where Navy training and testing activities occur Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance of populations that are regularly exposed to sonar and underwater explosives |
Baseline data collection ongoing |
Title: Jacksonville Shallow Water Training Range Vessel Surveys
Location: Jacksonville Shallow Water Training Range (JSWTR) Objectives: Monitor species composition and distribution on JSWTR, support M3R species verifications Methods: Vessel visual surveys, biopsy sampling, satellite-linked tags, photo-ID, passive acoustics Performing Organizations: Duke University, HDR Inc., Naval Undersea Warfare Center Timeline: 2009-2018, 2020-ongoing Funding: FY18 - $261K, FY19 - $60K, FY20 - $97K, FY21 - $253K, FY22 - $116K, FY23 - $279K, FY24 - $315K |
Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals and sea turtles where Navy training and testing activities occur Determine what populations of marine mammals are exposed to Navy training and testing activities Evaluate trends in distribution and abundance of populations that are regularly exposed to Navy training and testing activities |
Ongoing Visual species verifications and classifier development |
Title: Mid-Atlantic Autonomous Passive Acoustic Monitoring
Location: Mid-Atlantic Objectives: Monitor large whale occurrence in the mid-Atlantic Methods: Autonomous real time passive acoustic monitoring Performing Organizations: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, NAVFAC Atlantic Timeline: 2019-ongoing Funding: Funding: FY18- $211k, FY19- $213k, FY20- $357k, FY21- $139k, FY22 - $0, FY23 - $196K, FY24 - $210K |
Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur Establish the baseline behavior (foraging, dive patterns, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur |
Ongoing |
Title: Mid-Atlantic Nearshore & Mid-shelf Baleen Whale Monitoring
Location: VACAPES Mid-Atlantic shelf Objectives: Assess occurrence, habitat use, and baseline behavior of baleen whales in the mid-Atlantic region Methods: Visual surveys, focal follow observation, morphometrics, photo ID, biopsy sampling, satellite tagging Performing Organizations: HDR Inc, Kimora Solutions, NAVFAC Atlantic Timeline: 2020-ongoing Funding: FY22 - $570K, FY23 - $1M |
Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur Establish the baseline behavior (foraging, dive patterns, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur Support conservation and management of North Atlantic right whales |
Ongoing Expansion of previous humpback whale monitoring |
Title: Mid-Atlantic Offshore Cetacean Study
Location: Offshore Mid-Atlantic shelf and shelf break (VACAPES OPAREA) Objectives: Assess occurrence, habitat use, and baseline behavior of cetaceans in the offshore and continental shelf break region of the VACAPES OPAREA Methods: Visual surveys, focal follow observational methods, photo ID, biopsy sampling, satellite tagging Performing Organizations: HDR Inc. Timeline: 2016-ongoing Funding: FY16 - $645k, FY18 - $322k, FY19 - $357k, FY20 - $371k, FY21 - $430k, FY22 - $530k, FY23 - $435K |
Establish the baseline habitat uses and movement patterns of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur Establish the baseline behavior (foraging, dive patterns, etc.) of marine mammals where Navy training and testing activities occur |
Ongoing Primary focus shifted to sperm whale feeding ecology focus in 2020 |