Welcome to the US Navy's Marine Species Monitoring Program website. This website serves as an online portal for information on the background, history, and progress of the program, as well as provides access to reports, documentation, data, and updates on current monitoring projects.
There is plenty to explore including checking out what monitoring projects we currently have active throughout the Atlantic and Pacific, browsing technical reports and conference presentations in the Reading Room, or finding out about available data. You can also subscribe to our News & Announcements RSS feed to stay up to date as new content is added, as well as our Blog RSS feed for updates on current projects.
As stewards of the sea, the U.S. Navy is committed to protecting the environment while defending freedom. Check out U.S. Fleet Forces Command's video on Environmental Stewardship, U.S. Pacific Fleet's video on marine species monitoring, and the Navy's Stewards of the Sea Facebook page. Additional short videos highlighting specific monitoring projects can be found on the media page.